What is a CID Number

What is a CID number? A CID (Customer Identification) number is an exceptional identifier given to a particular business listing on Google Maps. It helps in recognizing and handling business listings across different Google items like Google Search and Google Analytics.

The CID number assists in identifying a business, tracking its performance, managing listings, as well as giving support and solving problems for the owners of those businesses. Not generally shown on the business profile, but can be seen in the URL or located by specific analytics tools.

What is a CID Number Used For?

We know “What is a CID number” but what is it used for In Google Business Profiles, a CID number has various roles. It is a special identification which makes the tracking and analysis of business performance simple. It also helps in handling multiple listings by arranging and referring to them effectively.

Additionally, for business owners, the CID number makes support and problem-solving procedures easier. This is because it allows support workers to promptly recognize and deal with problems related to a certain business profile.

How to Find a CID Number

After reading about “What is a CID number” but how to find it becomes our next task. If you need to find a CID number for a Google Business Profile, there are different ways you can try:

Using Google Maps:

  • Locate the Google Business Profile in the native Google Maps interface.
  • Click the listing to select it.
  • Replace `http://` with `view-source:` in the address bar and hit “enter.”
  • Press `CTRL+F` and search the source code for the phrase “ludocid.”
  • The CID, it will be the series of numbers that is coming after `ludocid\\u003d` and before `#lrd`.

Using Google Maps for Service Area Business (SAB) Listings:

  • Locate the Google Business Profile listing in the native Google Maps interface.
  • Click the listing to select it.
  •  In the area where you type website addresses, search for the lengthy URL and locate a long string starting with `0x`.
  • Copy the second string that starts with `0x` and exclude the `0x`.
  •  Paste the string into a Hexadecimal converter to get the CID number.

Using CID Converter Tools:

You can use online tools to change other information like business details into CID number.

Using Browser Extensions:

  1. GatherUp Chrome Extension: Add the extension and bring up the listing in Search or Local Finder. Choose the extension, and you can duplicate the Maps URL with CID number.
  2. Company Information in Google Chrome Extension: Get the extension installed and bring up the listing either in Search or Local Finder. Choose the extension, and it allows you to copy Maps URL along with CID number.

Using Web-Based Tools

Go to your Google Maps profile, copy the URL and then put it in the tool. It will show a list of outputs, and you should find “CID decimal” at the top field.

Google Ads CID vs. Google Business Profile CID

When we ask “What is a CID number” then sometimes people get confused because Google ads CID and Business CID are different. Google uses a number called CID (Customer Identification) to keep track of business listings on its platform. This special id is assigned to every Google Business Profile and serves many purposes like recognizing the business, following up with data analysis, handling listings as well as giving help or fixing problems related to it.

The CID number isn’t shown in a big way on the business profile itself. Mostly, you can find it when looking at a company’s details either by checking the URL link provided in Google Maps or via particular analytics tools made for working with services offered by Google.

Why Do You Need a CID Number?

We know “What is a CID number” but why do we need it. You require a CID number for many purposes. Initially, it aids Google in rapidly recognizing your business listing and associating it with you or your agency. This makes managing and tracing your profile across various Google products like Maps and Search much simpler.

The CID number is useful especially when there are problems with your listing; having this identification lets support personnel quickly find and tackle the issue. It also helps in managing multiple listings by organizing and referencing them efficiently.

Benefits of Knowing Your CID Number

There are several benefits of knowing “What is a CID number”.

Increased Security and Privacy: The CID number aids in protecting your privacy and security by serving as a distinct identifier for your business profile. This ensures that you have power over whom you speak to, making it simpler to spot probable dangers such as spoofed numbers or questionable calls.

Efficient Communication: When we read about “What is a CID number” then Your CID number aids in communication by allowing you to anticipate discussions, resulting in more effective and concentrated conversation. It also facilitates the process of returning overlooked calls and monitoring significant calls or chats.

Support Identification: Reading about “What is a CID number” helps Your CID number aids in the simplicity of support and troubleshooting. It functions as a distinct identifier for your business profile, assisting support personnel in swiftly recognizing and handling concerns associated with your profile.

Google Search Tracking and Analytics: The CID number is useful for tracking and analytics in Google Search, giving you a complete picture of your business on the internet.

Better Integration: For example, your CID number can assist in the smooth connection of various Google services like Google Ads and Analytics. This makes it simpler for you to handle your business presentation on several platforms.

Better Troubleshooting: Your CID number is useful in identifying and resolving any issues that might affect your business profile.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Your CID number improves the experience for customers because it makes finding and dealing with their inquiries quicker, which helps make sure they get help promptly and effectively.

Enhanced Business Insights: The CID number is important for getting better insights about your business. It assists in making choices based on data to improve your business plan.
If you still have doubts about “What is a CID number” then remember that a CID number is a very important identification for businesses that use different platforms of Google, like Google Ads. If you know what a CID number is, how to find it and the benefits of having one, then businesses can improve their online presence, make operations more efficient and gain more success in digital marketing activities.



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